2013 Goals
- Write four times a week (on track)
- Except around certain holidays and vacations (honeymoon!)
- Try to keep weekly wordcount closer to 5,000 (on track)
- Finish the first draft of The Century by March (on track)
- This may include a read-through soon (done)
- Leave myself revision notes for the Century
- Max. two weeks in March, then let it rest
- Reread The Ageless
- Max. four weeks
- Revise The Ageless
- Not really sure how long this will take
- Find beta readers for The Ageless (mostly done)
- Make a decision about how to publish The Ageless (done)
- Currently leaning toward self-publishing this one as digital-only at first (yes)
- Make a decision about how to publish The Century (probably done)
- Currently leaning toward putting this one through the query machine (probably self-pub)
- Become more involved on Goodreads or other online reading communities
- Find moderator(s) to help me with the Speculative Fiction Writers (done)
- I started this Google+ community one month ago — it’s reached 600 members, which means I’ll soon need help (true, done)
- Read 20 books in the genre, and a few outside it (falling behind)
- I need to set up my Goodreads list (falling behind)
- Actually talk to people at conventions (on track)
- Attend illogiCon, maybe MystiCon, definitely ConCarolinas, and ConTemporal
- Determine which cons to attend in 2014…
- Maybe some bigger ones like DragonCon, NASFiC, World Fantasy Con…
- Figure out what to do with that short story set in the universe of The Ageless (on track)
- Hiatus for at least half of October as I make wedding and honeymoon preparations
The past week or so I’ve been wavering on whether I’ll write Part 3 of the Century before beginning revisions on The Ageless. Some of these goals may be flipped if I decide I need more time to let Part 3 marinate.
Brief History of Conventions
Looking Back
Word Counts
Writing Is a Marathon
You can see my writing calendar (where I record my progress) on the Current Projects page. I also put the dates of published blog posts along with conventions and writing groups I attended on the calendar to chart my growth as a writer.
If you’ve checked out my Projects and found them interesting, you can sign up for my newsletter, which will only be mailed out when I have an announcement about an upcoming book or story. That might be a while, and I promise to only email you once a month anyway.
Circle me on Google+, and if you’re a fellow writer of science fiction or fantasy, come join the Speculative Fiction Writers community. I’m also on Goodreads.