Editing Samples

Traci is the kind of editor that not only fixes your grammar but also helps you view your writing in a whole new perspective. She helps you dig into characters and plots through detailed feedback and helps you elevate your writing to new and exciting places. My writing has grown immeasurably due to her thoughtful and creative input!

— Melissa Cady

View my editing samples

See me in action! Use the links below to jump down to the samples and get all the details about each. I only provide these samples when the authors approve.

Outline consultation: science fiction

This is a one-page sample of Jim Drew‘s outline for a science fiction novel he considered writing before he got tied up in other projects. You can view as a PDF or as images below.

View my suggestions and edits in this PDF

Tap or click the images below to enlarge them. The first is an example of how comments appear in the free online Microsoft Office suite that includes Microsoft Word. (View the PDF above to see comments in full.)

Tap or click the image below to enlarge. This one shows what it looks like to view comments in the desktop application of Microsoft Word. I can work with you in many different applications, including Scrivener.

Jim Drew is a writing friend of mine in real life, and so we naturally have a good rapport. I would take care to explain my suggestions a little more to authors I haven’t worked with before. And of course, it’s always up to the author’s discretion to accept my suggestions or go in their own direction. It’s your book!

Let’s work together. Contact me or read more about all of my editing services here.

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Developmental editing: science fiction

This is the opening page to Jim Drew‘s science fiction adventure novel, which I hope he publishes soon! It’s got action scenes galore, just the way I like it.

View my suggestions and edits in this PDF

We worked together in the desktop application of Microsoft Word but passed the file back and forth through Microsoft OneDrive. It’s a great way to back up your files. I’m equally happy to edit in Scrivener and work with you using Dropbox.

Click or tap the image below to enlarge.

science fiction developmental edit

Ready to work together? Get more information about what I offer as part of a developmental editing package and view my rates.

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Developmental editing: historical fantasy

Melissa Cady is a talented writer and a teacher. I appreciate the important work she does while still wishing she had more time to write and publish! This historical fantasy sent tingles down my spine, as it has a hint of horror thrown in for good measure.

You may have noticed Melissa’s testimonial at the top of this page.

In this sample, my primary concern was helping Melissa nail down the narrator’s voice based on her age. At times she sounded much older than the age suggested earlier in the novel. Her second draft did a much better job at smoothing out character dialogue and narration to be more age appropriate.

View my suggestions and edits in this PDF

Tap or click the image below to enlarge. This is in Microsoft Word, but I will also happily edit in Google Docs online.

historical fantasy developmental edit

Let’s get started! Developmental editing isn’t the only thing I offer.

If you aren’t ready for a full developmental edit but would like a gut check to be sure you’re headed in the right direction, I’m also available for outline consultations and editorial assessments. Learn more about all my editing packages here.

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Developmental editing: romantic suspense

In this romantic suspense novel by Melissa Cady, Max takes in Lilly, who was attacked by a serial killer but survived. A budding romance begins, and my comments here reflect my expectations as a romance reader who wants to see good men fall in love with good women.

View my suggestions and edits in this PDF

Tap or click the image below to enlarge. I will provide editorial comments to you in Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or Scrivener.

romantic suspense developmental edit

It’s time to get your words into the world! Contact me and let’s make sure your novel is ready for readers before you hit publish.

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Developmental editing: urban fantasy

I’ve had the pleasure of providing feedback on several science fiction books by Edward McKeown. He’s a talented author who knows how to create epic tales of adventure with heart. The sample below is from an as-yet unpublished urban fantasy with anime-style flare.

View my suggestions and edits in this PDF

Tap or click the the image below to enlarge. I will occasionally offer some feedback on the way certain lines read during a dev edit, but I tend to leave most of that for the copy editing pass.

urban fantasy developmental edit

Take your writing to the next level with a developmental edit. Even authors like Edward McKeown who have published many books appreciate a second set of eyes on their work. Contact me and let’s get started.

Find out more about Ed on his website and see all of his books on Amazon.

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Developmental editing: epic fantasy

I enjoyed reading CJ Parmenter’s second book in his epic fantasy series, which is as yet unpublished. You can see my editorial assessment of the same book below. Typically, if you choose to get both services, I recommend an editorial assessment after your first draft, and a full developmental edit after you’ve implemented some changes from the assessment’s action plan (after your second draft).

This is a three-page sample, but I trimmed a few sections for brevity. If you read the story itself and not just my comments, you should still get a pretty good idea of where this story is headed. The sample below is from his as-yet unpublished Book 2.

View my suggestions and edits in this PDF

OR tap or click the the images below to enlarge.

dev 1
dev 2
dev 3
dev 4

Find out more about CJ and see his highly rated books on Amazon.

If you aren’t sure whether a developmental edit or an editorial assessment would be better for your project, you can always contact me!

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Editorial assessment: epic fantasy

This assessment is for CJ Parmenter’s second book in his epic fantasy series. Unfortunately, I may have encountered some confusion since I didn’t read Book 1, but I tried to indicate when that may have been the case.

For the purposes of this sample, I also cut out some spoilers, but I think you’ll get the idea. The sample below is from his as-yet unpublished second book in series.

You can also read my in-line developmental comments above. These samples should help you decide between the two services. An assessment is an editorial letter with action plan that provides high-level feedback. With a full developmental edit, I offer feedback at the paragraph level. See more about these two services here.

View my suggestions and edits in this PDF

OR tap or click the the images below to enlarge.

epic fantasy assessment 1
epic fantasy assessment 2
epic fantasy assessment 3
epic fantasy assessment 4

Find out more about CJ and see his highly rated books on Amazon.

An editorial assessment can be a faster, less expensive option compared to developmental editing. If you aren’t sure which one’s right for your project, don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact me and let’s get the ball rolling.

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Copyediting: space opera

This is another great story from Ed McKeown as part of his ongoing Maauro Chronicles series. Although it may be hard to tell from this particular sample, this is a space opera. The characters in this scene are human, alien, and android.

In Maauro’s point of view, the story is related in present tense, so I caught a section where the author had accidentally gone back and forth between past and present.

View my edits in this PDF

OR tap or click to enlarge the image below instead

copyedit for present tense

When I work with authors on a copyediting project, it’s my goal to preserve the author’s voice as much as possible. As such, I will work with you to determine whether you prefer me to generally stick to simply correcting mistakes or to go deeper and try to strengthen sentence structures. When in doubt, I’ll reach out!

Find out more about Ed on his website and see all of his books on Amazon. This was a sneak peak at Book 6 of the Maauro Chronicles, so if you liked what you saw, try out Book 1!

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Let’s work together!

I’m happy to edit books in a variety of genres, but most especially science fiction and fantasy. Contact me if you aren’t sure whether we might be a good fit.

Learn more about my editing packages or view testimonials from people I’ve previously worked with.

I’m ready when you are!

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