Tag: inspiration
2014 Reading Retrospective: Year of the Female SFF Author
A year ago, I decided to balance the scales and devote 2014 to reading 18 books by female science fiction and fantasy authors. In 2012 and 2013, the ratio of male to female authors on my reading lists was about 2:1. You can check out my previous series of blog posts for the details: Reading…
Switching Between Victorian Steampunk and Lunar SciFi
This week, I welcome +AmyBeth Inverness back to talk about how she manages to switch between Victorian steampunk and lunar science fiction without losing her mind! As you all know, I love the entire spectrum of speculative fiction. I’m preparing to write a secondary-world fantasy while fully expecting my editor to pop back in with…
If The Monster Is Blue, You’re Safe
Have you ever noticed that most fictional creatures that are blue turn out to be the good guys? Or if not good, at least neutral.I thought it might be fun to take a break from talking about writing and reading, and instead talk about monsters. Blue Monsters Let’s start with the most obvious blue monster:…