Tag: inspiration

  • 5 SFF Kickstarters You Should Back

    5 SFF Kickstarters You Should Back

    If you’re like me, you like the idea of backing creative Kickstarter projects and getting cool stuff in return. But it’s also hard sorting through Kickstarter to find projects specifically in the science fiction and fantasy genre. So I’ve gathered five active, ongoing speculative fiction Kickstarters in this post that I hope you’ll find as interesting as I…

  • 2014: Year of the Female SFF Author

    In my last two posts, I discussed why I stupidly used to avoid reading female authors, and how in 2012 and 2013 the ratio of male to female authors on my reading lists was about 2:1. I intend to rectify that this year.For me, 2014 will be the year of the female science fiction and…

  • Why I Avoided Reading Female Authors

    Why I Avoided Reading Female Authors

    In 2012, I read a ratio of 2:1 male to female authors in the speculative fiction genre. 2013 was nearly as skewed. Based on my terrible track record of reading an equal number of books by men vs. women, I’ve decided to make 2014 the year of the female SFF author. Isn’t that sexist, you…