Tag: inspiration
Reading Retrospective
In 2013, I didn’t read much in the science fiction and fantasy genre (or outside of it). I did much better in 2012, when I actually set a reading list for myself and went about completing it. This post is part of a series: Reading retrospective (what I managed to read in 2012 and 2013)…
Thanks to the Families
I just got the latest edition of the Writer’s Digest, which includes an interesting article entitled “The Bolt From the Blue” by Celia Johnson. The article features ten famous works and the “bolt” of inspiration that inspired their authors to write them, pulled from Celia Johnson’s book Dancing With Mrs. Dalloway: Stories of the Inspiration…
In the Company of Writers
It’s inspiring being around other writers, even if they don’t write science fiction and fantasy books. I recently attended the 90th anniversary party for the Charlotte Writers’ Club and listened to fellow science-fiction writer Gretchen Hummel read the intriguing beginning of her post-apocalyptic novel, Dreamer’s Island. While listening, I reflected on how challenging it is to read an excerpt…