Tag: inspiration
As you can see from the writing calendar, we’re eight days into the new year, and I’ve only produced 3,000 new words in my science fiction novel, The Ageless. Not that word count is really how I measure success, but still. This week has presented some interesting challenges. Perhaps by documenting them, I can learn from…
Use It or Lose It
Last week, I talked about my obsession with writing. I mentioned how I’d awakened that morning with the next scene of The Ageless already in mind but didn’t have time to write. Turns out this is the perfect example the phenomenon known as “use it or lose it.”
Word Count and Subscriptions
I achieved my goal this week! (And to be clear, weeks in my realm start on Monday and end on Sunday.) Which is to say, I wrote twice this week on my current story. Wednesday’s word count came to 2,500 and Friday’s came to almost 1,600. This is actually on target for NaNoWriMo standards, if…