Tag: observations

  • Moon Landings With Names From Fiction

    Today I’d like to welcome +AmyBeth Inverness. I’m honored she made this a stop on her blog tour for One Does Not Simply Walk Into Mordor, a short story in her scifi series The Cities of Luna, which will come out tomorrow. More on that below. She’s here to talk about how many of our favorite…

  • If The Monster Is Blue, You’re Safe

    If The Monster Is Blue, You’re Safe

    Have you ever noticed that most fictional creatures that are blue turn out to be the good guys? Or if not good, at least neutral.I thought it might be fun to take a break from talking about writing and reading, and instead talk about monsters. Blue Monsters Let’s start with the most obvious blue monster:…

  • Why I Avoided Reading Female Authors

    Why I Avoided Reading Female Authors

    In 2012, I read a ratio of 2:1 male to female authors in the speculative fiction genre. 2013 was nearly as skewed. Based on my terrible track record of reading an equal number of books by men vs. women, I’ve decided to make 2014 the year of the female SFF author. Isn’t that sexist, you…