Tag: word count
Six-Month Checkup
So here we are, midway through 2012, and it’s time to look back and see how those 2012 writing goals are coming along. (Expect much back-pattery in this post.) Progress on The Ageless My intention was to write three times a week, every week, until my post-apocalyptic science fiction novel The Ageless was done. So…
The Ageless: A Milestone
This week marks a milestone in writing The Ageless. So even though I know I said I wouldn’t blog much about my own writing habits, I want to record this for my own sake. If this isn’t your cup of tea, next week I’ll be back with interesting topics in the science fiction and fantasy…
As you can see from the writing calendar, we’re eight days into the new year, and I’ve only produced 3,000 new words in my science fiction novel, The Ageless. Not that word count is really how I measure success, but still. This week has presented some interesting challenges. Perhaps by documenting them, I can learn from…