Tag: writing

  • Treat It Like a Business

    Oftentimes, you hear the writing advice, “Treat it like a business.” When authors say that, most of the time what they mean is you have to write even when you don’t feel like it. Which is true. As E.B. White once put it, “a writer who waits for ideal conditions under which to work will die…

  • The Big Con Roundup: Worldcon & DragonCon

    The Big Con Roundup: Worldcon & DragonCon

    Since I didn’t have a chance to attend WorldCon or Dragon*Con this year, I’ve been jealously watching other people’s adventures. So I thought I’d do a round-up, in case you’re doing the same. Plus, there’s lots and lots of great fantasy and science fiction writing and publishing advice in these posts. But first, +Scott Edelman tells us…

  • Self-Editing: First Pass

    As a copy editor in my day job, I know that no one can truly self-edit. However, as a novelist, you also won’t receive the full benefit of a professional editor’s attention if you don’t clean up your work first. Especially if you’re a messy first drafter like I am. This is my first time…