Wordle is so cool! As Patrick Rothfuss would say, click to embiggen the image.
Wordle is like the tag or label clouds you see on a lot of blogs, but it takes all the words on your page and puts them in a cloud. Then you can remove words (I took out the boring ones, like “would’ve” and “got”), save it, and share it!
From looking at the Wordle cloud, I see I need to work on killing some adverbs, even in my blog writing. Looks like “still,” “really,” and “just” are the biggest culprits.
I learned about Wordle from Writing Excuses. They recommend using it to analyze which words you’re repeating too frequently within your stories, especially adverbs and adjectives. Then you can find and pare them down. Seek and destroy!
2 responses to “Wordle: Word Density”
I can see wordle becoming an addiction.
Yes, I definitely have to restrain myself from using it every time I post something new.